Billing / Rates

Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District Current Rates   (effective 07/01/2024)

DOMESTIC                                                                                Rate

Water                                                                               $3.00 / 100 cubic feet (748 gallons)

Unit charge                                                                      $48.00  per quarter (3 months)


Acre charge                                                                      $282.00  per acre annually

Unit charge                                                                      $170.00  annually


Rates are adjusted based on increases in regulatory standards, water costs, operations, and the need to replace an aging infrastructure.  Rates, costs, and services are reviewed at a budget hearing which is conducted in June each year.  The rates are approved or rejected by the Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District’s Board of Directors at the regular board meeting scheduled for the third Wednesday in June each year.



Click here for more information.



Effective July of each year, Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District’s rates may increase or decrease depending on the economy.  Even if there are increases, rates for Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District remain the lowest in the area.  While other communities are experiencing large rate increases and water shortages the District is able to provide a valuable resource at a reasonable cost.

LOID runs on revenue.  We are not a tax-supported utility.  Simply put: Charge rates that cover service costs.  As simple as that sounds, it is complicated building rates and determining costs.  The District attempts to sustain at the lowest rate for patrons.

The Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District’s priority is to deliver clean and safe drinking water to our patrons.  Today, the District is at a critical point.  Our distribution system is aging.  Demand for water will continue to increase while the pipes in the ground are deteriorating.  Staff and the Board of Directors are diligently working to create a plan to address these challenges, which included the following:

Rehabilitating and upgrading old pipe throughout the distribution system.
Repairing and making upgrades to the domestic water storage tanks.
Drilling a new domestic well.

What We’re Doing to Cut Costs
The Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District knows times are tough with the economy.  LOID is stretching the budget as far as it will go.  We are carefully managing our cash reserves, staying out of debt, reducing the operating budget, and applying for project grants.

Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District has an obligation to provide high-quality drinking water to our patrons.



Irrigation Assessments
Irrigation assessments are billed at the end of the year.  You’ll receive your irrigation assessment this Fall.  The irrigation assessments are for your paper water right not for volume of water.  Property owners are responsible for the assessment regardless of the amount of water used or not used.  Idaho Statutes determine how the irrigation assessments are billed and collected.

Irrigation Billing Calendar

October/November- Irrigation assessment notices are mailed for the current year.

December 20- The first half or the full amount of the irrigation assessment is due.

May- The reminder notices for the second half of the irrigation assessment are mailed.

June 20- The second half or any unpaid remaining balance is due for the past year’s irrigation assessment. (Idaho Code 43-707)

Irrigation Tax Deed Calendar (Irrigation Liens that are 3 years old)

June 20- The balance of the previous year’s irrigation assessment should be paid in full.

June 30- Early warning letter is mailed to patrons that a lien or pending tax deed will be issued on their property or properties. (Idaho Code 43-710 and 43-711)

On or before the 4rd Monday of July-The delinquency list for irrigation assessment must be prepared and filed with the county assessor’s office for balances greater than twenty-five dollars for the previous year’s irrigation assessment.  (Idaho Code 43-711)

August/September- A letter will be mailed notifying patrons with a lien three years old that the Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District will be seeking a tax deed on the property or properties.  Payment must be received by the due date in order to not be charged the $300.00 tax deed filing fee.

September-  A publication will appear in the Lewiston Morning Tribune notifying the patrons the Board will sit as a Board of Corrections.  This is an opportunity to notify the Board of Directors if your land was assessed incorrectly.  (Idaho Code 43-701)

3rd Wednesday of September- The Board will sit as a Board of Corrections at the regular board meeting. (Idaho Code 43-701)

October-Warning letter of pending tax deed with the $300.00 tax deed file is mailed to property owners certified return receipt.  Any letters undelivered will be published in the Lewiston Morning Tribune.

December- Any certified letters undelivered will be published in the Lewiston Morning Tribune. Tax deed names, addresses, property descriptions are published 1 day a week for 4 consecutive weeks … not more than 2 months or less than 14 days before the regular board meeting in February to file the tax deed.

December/January- Mortgage holders are notified of pending tax deed on properties.

3rd Wednesday in February- At the regular meeting of the Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District the Board of Directors will issues a tax deed.



If you have questions about your bill please call the LOID office at (208) 746-8235.