Domestic Water

Our world is full of water and yet less than 1% is available as fresh water for our use. The domestic water comes from underground wells placed throughout the District. Three wells supply the Lewiston Orchards with domestic drinking water.

Did you know LOID patrons receive 748 gallons of water for $3.00?  Think about that the next time you go to the store and buy bottled water.



To start or stop your domestic water service, call the office at 208-746-8235, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.  Be prepared with the service address and the date you wish to have the water service off/on.

The District charges $25.00 to discontinue your water service.  The LOID office will notify the City of Lewiston that the domestic water is turned off.

The Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District bills domestic water quarterly, if you request your water service to stop in the middle of a billing period be prepared to pay for the water used up to the date the water is requested off.

To turn on a domestic water service someone must be present at the home.  The District employees will turn the water on at the service by the street.  We require someone to be home to ensure a faucet isn’t running unattended.  The Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District doesn’t want you to come home to a flood.  The domestic water turn on charge is $25.00 and we will notify the City of Lewiston.  Please call the office to arrange a time to meet the LOID employee.


To annex lands into the Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District the proposed lands must be touching or adjacent to the current Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District boundaries.

1. Landowner Must Submit an Annexation Request- The request to annex lands into the Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District must be submitted to the office.  The request must include a legal property description, map, acreage, and landowner contact information.  Idaho Code 43-1001.

2. Impact Evaluation- Staff will review and evaluate the proposed lands to be annexed into the District.  Staff will determine the method by which water will be delivered to the land(s).  Staff will report findings at the next monthly board meeting.

3. Publication– The notice of proposed annexation will be published in the local newspaper once a week for three consecutive weeks.  The publication must include a description of the lands, shall notify all interested parties that may be affected by the change in District boundaries, patrons may show cause in writing, if they have support of or against the proposed lands be annexed into the District.  The petitioners are responsible for the publication fees and must pay the estimated costs.  Idaho Code 43-1003.

4. Public Hearing– The public hearing shall take place at the monthly board meeting following the completion of the publication.  Any patrons present will be allowed to voice support of or against the annexation.  Support for or against may also be submitted by patrons in writing.  After the public hearing is closed the board will deem or reject the annexation of lands into the District.  Idaho Code 43-1004.

5. Approval of the Order of Annexation– If the board deems the annexation the lands or a portion of the lands into the District; they will do so by making an order and approving by resolution.  Petitioners will have 90 days from the date of annexation to fully pay their annexation costs or the annexation becomes null and void.

6. The Petitioner Shall Pay for Annexation and Connection fees– The Petitioner is responsible for the cost of the annexation of lands and for the connection fee to the Lewiston Orchards Irrigation’s water service.  Any development needed to bring water to the lands will be at the petitioner’s expense.  The estimated costs will be determined by Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District.

7. Rejects the Order of Annexation– If the board rejects the order of annexation, no other action is taken.

90 day Waiting Period– The approval or rejection of the annexation does not become effective until the ninety (90) day period for landowners to appeal the decision of the board.  The appeal petition must be signed by either 10 landowners or by two percent (2%) of the landowners, whichever is greater.  The signatures of the petition will be verified.  An election will be held to approve or disapprove the said annexation.  Election notice will be published.   Idaho Code 43-1008.

8. Order of Annexation– After the ninety (90) day period has been completed and no appeal is filed or after the said election is complete the order of annexation shall be signed by the president and secretary of the board and certified in the County Recorder’s office.  The certified copy shall be placed in the minutes and a copy maintained in a District office file.

Current Estimated Cost of Annexation: 
Publication Fee: $300.00
Per Acre: $1250.00
Connection Fee: $2400.00
Water Service: Price is determined by size of service

 2017 UPDATE  – Zone 8

The Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District Board of Directors have adopted a plan to bring water to the developable land east of the current LOID boundary.  The Zone 8 Annexation Fee was created as a method to finance the infrastructure needed.  Landowners of Zone 8 who wish to annex into the District for domestic water will pay $2,309 per acre, charged to the nearest 1/100th of an acre.  The collected amount will go into a fund to be used on infrastructure needed to serve domestic water at adequate pressure in Zone 8. Click here for a map of Zone 8. Please contact District Manager Barney Metz if you would like further information on annexing into our district.

2019 UPDATE – Zone 8

Click here to view a Revised Map of Zone 8.



Current year: 2024
Select past years: 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 
2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 20192020 | 2021 | 20222023